Quarterly Tax Payment System

The Town of Lanesborough is on a Quarterly Tax Payment System.

  • Preliminary tax bill (based on 50% of prior years bill) 
  • 2 payments. These bills are mailed on or about July 1.
  • Installments of each payment is due August 1 and November 1
Example: Fiscal Year 2015 bill was $1000. The preliminary tax bill would be $500 with $250 due August 1 and $250 due November 1. These are the 1st and 2nd quarter bills. The preliminary tax bill utilizes the prior year's tax rate and becomes a credit on the actual tax bill.

  • Actual tax bill (this bill will show the total assessed value and new tax rate)
  • 2 payments. These bills are mailed on or about December 31.
  • Installments of each payment is due February 1.
Example: Fiscal Year 2016 bill was $2000 (utilizing a new rate). Minus the credit of $500 timely paid on the preliminary bills, the balance due would be $1500, with $750 due February 1 and $750 due May 1. These are the 3rd and 4th quarter bills.